Frequently Asked Questions

What security measures will the school implement to ensure the safety of our children? 

The school is placing the utmost importance on ensuring the safety of both children and staff. Consequently, they have partnered with a security company that offers professional and customized advice specific to the school’s needs.

Does the school adhere to orthodox religious practices? 

Our goal is to establish a school where every Jewish child, regardless of their background, affiliation, or level of observance is able to experience a sense of belonging and inclusion. It’s a community Jewish day school it isn’t an orthodox school. Children will delve into Jewish holidays, values, and traditions, while also receiving top-notch secular education. Additionally, they will benefit from immersive experiences in both French and Hebrew languages.

Does my child have to wear a uniform? Does my child have to wear a Kippah?

All Tamim Academy students must wear a uniform. At KTA, students are required to wear a polo shirt available for purchase through the school. Additionally, kippot are mandatory only during the morning Tefila and songs.

We wish for our children to attend the school, yet the cost is prohibitive for us. What steps can we take in this situation? 

No Jewish child will be denied Jewish education due to their family’s financial circumstances. We will collaborate with every family seeking to enroll their children. For the initial three years (2024-2026), the school provides an automatic $4,000 scholarship for each student. Furthermore, tuition fees for the second child are substantially reduced (please refer to our website for detailed tuition fee information).

Additional income-based scholarships may be available. Please contact the scholarship board at

What is the school’s admissions policy?

KTA is a Jewish school that welcomes all Jewish children from every background and affiliation who are Jewish in accordiance with Jewish tradition.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

“Our goal is to create a school in which every Jewish child, regardless of background and affiliation, will feel that is their home and community.”
Rabbi Meir Kaplan – Chabad of Vancouver Island